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How do I update my password?

Passwords can be updated via the "My Account" page. Just input your current password and your new password. Once successful, you will receive an email letting you know that you have successfully updated your password

I've received an email saying my password has been updated, but it wasn't me?

Although this is very unlikely, we thought best to let you know when your password has been updated so you can act faster if you need to re-secure your account. Ofcourse, we can help you out! However, the quickest resolution would be to follow the "forgot my password" instructions as part of the acendr login screen.

How do reminders work?

Reminders are self set, and can be use however you think would help you the most! Just set up your custom reminder, then select the day that you want to be notified on and we will take care of the rest!

Still have questions?

Get in contact and someone from the support team will reach out shortly